How to make First time Customer Your Permanent Customer??
What do you want? Do you want to make your customers permanent? Do you want that they should come to you only again and again? Do you want that they should not be there with your competitors but with your brand and products only? So, let’s talk about that how a company or a brand can make their customers as permanent or repeatable.
Let’s talk about something which you all are familiar with and try to understand the concept, what do you do when you started liking someone (can be anyone)? We always do something which that person likes, or which you think that they may like, because you are very much familiar with the behavior and the things which they want to have from your side.
So, same is the case which we all have to deal with when we try to make them as our permanent ones. What usually a company is doing nowadays is that, they are coming up with a new and trending concept and that is customization/ personalisation because in this modern era, all the customers are having full knowledge about the market and the trend which is going on, because this is what we call as an era of social media.
So, with the help of this new concept they are trying to provide solution to each and every customer to make the old ones as permanent. What they do is that, they provide them some special discount, coupon, offers, and many such things which can attract them to come again and again to you only. Also, they are organizing some special events and occasions with the help of which they promote their upcoming products and provide them as free samples sometimes or they arrange some fun games and give them a chance to win their products as free.
So, all these things are not just making you primary in their mind but also this can benefit you as well, you can charge from them some extra money for all this and they will also be ready to pay that extra amount because now they are feeling satisfied with the products and services which you are providing to them.
So the conclusion is that, don’t try to show them that you are selling yourself but try to show them that they all are very important for your company and they are also one of the most important part of the organization. Provide them something on timely basis to make them feel like this.
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